
MilStop is a foliar fungicide that suppresses and cures Powdery Mildew before it spreads. With no known resistance, MilStop stands alone in its effectiveness against this dangerous fungal disease. A complete formulation with surfactants already included, it can be applied right up to the day of harvest for extra protection. Add to that its ability to be used more broadly as a preventative control of many other foliar diseases, MilStop is one of the most powerful fungal solutions available.
Features & Benefits
- Broad-spectrum foliar fungicide
- Destabilizes and destroys fungi at the cell level, while altering pH levels on leaf surfaces to inhibit future growth
- Can be used as a stand-alone fungicide or in combination with other foliar disease control solutions
- Provides up to 2 weeks of residual protection against many other foliar diseases
- Preformulated with surfactants to dissolve more quickly in water, requiring no additional wetting agents or mixing
- Dries quickly and cleanly, with no visible residue
- Does not restrict plant growth
- Compatible with many beneficial insects

Label and SDS
MilStop® Foliar Fungicide Label MilStop® Foliar Fungicide Label (French)MilStop® Foliar Fungicide SDS MilStop® Foliar Fungicide SDS (French)
MilStop Info Sheet (English)
MilStop Info Sheet (French)
MilStop Info Sheet, Spec. Ag (English)
MilStop Compatibility
Product Shelf Life