Is MilStop safe on beneficial insects?
MilStop is known to have detrimental effects when in direct contact with soft bodied insects. Hard bodied insects can be released two days after application.
MilStop is known to have detrimental effects when in direct contact with soft bodied insects. Hard bodied insects can be released two days after application.
MilStop can be applied as a foliar spray using a hydraulic sprayer, through electrostatic sprayers, and cold or thermal foggers. See the label for ultra low volume (fogging) rates and for small volume rates.
No. MilStop is already formulated with 2 surfactants for excellent spreading and sticking. BioWorks sometimes recommends the use of MilStop as a surfactant for application of other pesticides.
MilStop SP refers to the USA label and MilStop refers to the Canadian label. Despite MilStop SP and MilStop being the same formulation, there are label differences in restrictions, where products can be used, and REI; please refer to the correct label based on where the product is being [...]
The active ingredient in MilStop – Potassium Bicarbonate – has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) product.
“Prevention is the best medicine”. Use MilStop at the first sign of disease, or when environmental conditions exist that are favorable for disease development. MilStop is very effective for curative control of powdery mildew.
Crop safety is inherent with MilStop, though several crops including Poinsettias, New Guinea Impatiens and Pansy require caution when applications are made. Contact your BioWorks sales representative for information regarding changes in rate, application timing, or potential for phytotoxicity when using MilStop on these crops.
MilStop is compatible with most chemical pesticides and can be used in a rotation with pesticides in an Integrated Disease Management program. MilStop can be used as a stand-alone fungicide for foliar disease control. Use caution when tank mixing. MilStop contains 2 surfactants. Tank mixing with other pesticides containing [...]
USA Greenhouse Application: Preventative: 4.6 oz/10,000 sq ft, (1.25 lb/acre/100 gal) Curative: 11 oz/10,000 sq ft (3 lb/acre/100 gal), up to 18.4 oz/10,000 sq ft (5 lb/acre/100 gal) Field Application: Preventative: 2.0 lb/acre Curative: up to 5.0 lb/acre Use sufficient spray volume to obtain complete coverage: Low growing crops [...]
MilStop is labeled on a wide range of ornamental and edible crops: Ornamentals in greenhouse and field - annuals, perennials, potted crops, shrubs and trees Greenhouse and field grown vegetables and fruits Greenhouse and field grown herbs and spices Grapes and tree fruits; nut trees in the US Indoor [...]