27 06, 2022

What pests does Molt-X control?

Aphids, Beetles, Borers, Caterpillars, Flies, Fungus gnats, Leafhoppers, Leafminers, Mealybugs, Nematodes, Psyllids, Sawflies, Scales, Thrips, True bugs, Weevils and Whiteflies.

27 06, 2022

Isn’t Molt-X just neem oil?

No, Molt-X is not neem oil and contains no neem oil. It is an emulsifiable concentrate formulation with azadirachtin as the active ingredient. Neem oil contains no azadirachtin, and azadirachtin contains no neem oil. Both neem oil and azadirachtin come from the neem tree, but that is where the [...]

27 06, 2022

What are the Molt-X modes of action?

Molt-X interferes with the key molting hormone, ecdysone, preventing insects from progressing from one life stage to the next. As an insect growth regulator, Molt-X causes insects to fail to mature and reproduce, eliminating populations over time, or keeping them at acceptable levels. In addition, Molt-X: Acts as an [...]

27 06, 2022

What is Molt-X?

Botanically based Molt-X is an EPA-registered insecticide/nematicide, approved for use in organic production. This emulsifiable concentrate contains 3% azadirachtin active ingredient, providing broad spectrum control of foliar and soil-borne pests.

27 06, 2022

When is the best time to use MilStop?

“Prevention is the best medicine”. Use MilStop at the first sign of disease, or when environmental conditions exist that are favorable for disease development. MilStop is very effective for curative control of powdery mildew.

27 06, 2022

Are there any precautions with MilStop?

Crop safety is inherent with MilStop, though several crops including Poinsettias, New Guinea Impatiens and Pansy require caution when applications are made. Contact your BioWorks sales representative for information regarding changes in rate, application timing, or potential for phytotoxicity when using MilStop on these crops.

27 06, 2022

What is the chemical compatibility of MilStop?

MilStop is compatible with most chemical pesticides and can be used in a rotation with pesticides in an Integrated Disease Management program. MilStop can be used as a stand-alone fungicide for foliar disease control. Use caution when tank mixing.  MilStop contains 2 surfactants. Tank mixing with other pesticides containing [...]

27 06, 2022

What are typical application rates for hydraulic sprayers?

USA Greenhouse Application: Preventative: 4.6 oz/10,000 sq ft,  (1.25 lb/acre/100 gal) Curative: 11 oz/10,000 sq ft  (3 lb/acre/100 gal), up to 18.4 oz/10,000 sq ft  (5 lb/acre/100 gal) Field Application: Preventative: 2.0 lb/acre Curative:  up to 5.0 lb/acre Use sufficient spray volume to obtain complete coverage: Low growing crops [...]

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