27 06, 2022

Is SuffOil-X safe for plants?

SuffOil-X has been tested on a broad range of plants; a list is available here. The unique formulation allows for less oil to be applied and faster drying time. The small droplets allow for more uniform coverage and a thinner coating of the leaf surface. Since heavy oils are [...]

27 06, 2022

Is SuffOil-X safe for workers?

As with any product, care must be taken when handling it. SuffOil-X is labeled as a category III pesticide with the signal word Caution.  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - see label for details. Restricted Entry Interval (REI): USA label – 4 hour REI; Canada label – 12 hour REI. [...]

27 06, 2022

Is SuffOil-X safe for beneficial insects?

Yes and no. While SuffOil-X will kill beneficial insects when sprayed directly on them, SuffOil-X leaves no harmful residues and therefore is less disruptive to beneficial insects than traditional materials with long residual activity. SuffOil-X allows beneficials to rapidly repopulate a sprayed area. Releases of beneficials can begin within [...]

27 06, 2022

What is the mode of action of SuffOil-X?

The primary mode of action is suffocation. This mode of action requires total spray coverage. As a fungicide, it interferes with the attachment of the pathogen to the host. IRAC MODE OF ACTION CLASSIFICATION: UN.

27 06, 2022

What pests does SuffOil-X control?

SuffOil-X has a wide range of activity on most mites, scales, aphids, mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies, and other immature or adult soft bodied insects. It is also effective on eggs of mites and aphids. SuffOil-X also suppresses powdery mildew.

27 06, 2022

What is SuffOil-X?

Spray Oil Emulsion Insecticide, Miticide and Fungicide. The active ingredient is mineral oil. It is the ideal choice for effective insect, mite and disease control in a broad range of greenhouse, nursery and vegetable crops.

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