PRINCIPLE Rate Calculator

PRINCIPLE Rate Calculator

Target Pest Selection

From the three below application sites, select your target pest.

Greenhouse, Shadehouse, Nursery (indoor/outdoor), Landscape, and Interiorscapes Target Pest
Food Crops Grown Outdoors, Rangeland, Improved Pastures, and Forestry Target Pest (Foliar)
Mushroom Target Pest
Application Type
High insect pressure and/or dense foliage

Final Product Needed

Complete the fields above to calculate the low and high label rates according to the PRINCIPLE® label. Units of measure can be altered both in the calculator and for final volume of product - please pay special attention to the final units used to apply the proper amount of product


Please refer back to the label to ensure correct application rates and application methods.

For additional resources, see below:

  • PRINCIPLE® Information Page
  • PRINCIPLE® Best Application Methods
  • PRINCIPLE® Product Compatibility

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0 - Not at all
10 - Extremely likely